New York City for a Weekend

posted in: American Travel | 0

A few months back, Jaime and I went to New York City for a weekend and I had promised to write about it here, but of course I never got around to it. I did, however, start the post. It’s … Continued

Moving to Italy with a Dog.

posted in: Expat Life, Italy | 5

As most of my life revolves around my fur baby, the more difficult part of moving to Italy was moving to Italy with a dog. I’m focusing on this because it was the most stressful part of the move just because of all the procedures that are involved and all the worrying that something will go wrong. Spoiler Alert: all my worries were unfounded and all three of us made it to beautiful Rome just fine. That doesn’t mean there weren’t some bumps along the way!

Click on the title to read our story!

Day Trips from D.C.

posted in: American Travel | 0

Time sure flies when you’re having fun! May passed by in a flash and we are already nearing the end of June. Soon enough, it will be August and then the real adventure begins! Since my last post, we’ve been like busy bees exploring more of the Washington area, but this time taking day trips from D.C. to Virginia and Maryland, trying to make the most of the time we have left. Here’s the recap:

Click on the title to read more!

A New Adventure near Washington, D.C.

posted in: American Travel | 5

My very first post on the blog when we had recently moved a metro stop away from America’s capital, Washington, D.C. and the challenges we faced those first few days. We also dived right into sightseeing by visiting the National Air & Space Museum (the one near Dulles) and George Washington’s home, Mount Vernon!

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