Bau Beach: A Beach for Dogs Near Rome
Since this past weekend is probably one of the last we will get of nice summer weather this year, we decided it was high time to go to the beach. Italy is full of nice beaches, needless to say, but … Continued
Since this past weekend is probably one of the last we will get of nice summer weather this year, we decided it was high time to go to the beach. Italy is full of nice beaches, needless to say, but … Continued
Anyone that lives in Italy, has lived in Italy, knows absolutely anything about Italy knows that one of the few things most Italians can agree on is that here nothing works. So by the end of this post, I’m sure any seasoned expat in Italy will be laughing at me and the things I’m going to vent about. Nonetheless, I feel I cannot go on without writing this post because getting a permesso di soggiorno (or permission to stay) in Italy is an expats rite of passage, if you will. Also, allow me to release my frustrations for a second…
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As most of my life revolves around my fur baby, the more difficult part of moving to Italy was moving to Italy with a dog. I’m focusing on this because it was the most stressful part of the move just because of all the procedures that are involved and all the worrying that something will go wrong. Spoiler Alert: all my worries were unfounded and all three of us made it to beautiful Rome just fine. That doesn’t mean there weren’t some bumps along the way!
Click on the title to read our story!